Curated communities that reduces the barriers for Latine founders & funders to get access to capital, community, and key resources

About Us

We catalyze and cultivate a trusted Latine startup and venture capital ecosystem, with the aim of educating, increasing capital access, and building community.

Our goal is to shift $1BN of new investment capital into this ecosystem by 2030.

Backed by the biggest names in the business

And in the press

The largest community of Latine venture capitalists in the world

550+ Latine VCs

100k+ slack messages in 3 years

The largest community of Latine venture backed founders in the world

600+ Latine founders

60k+ slack messages in 2 years

The premier community of Latine angels in the U.S

Launched January 2025!

Get in touch!

If you’re interested in staying up to date with our communities, please sign up for our newsletter here:

If you’re interested in partnering or have other ideas on how to make the Latine community stronger, get in touch!

La Unión Hace La Fuerza, Siempre.